
Vize İşlemleri


Embassy of Hungary in Ankara

Hungary Embassy in Ankara, the authority to represent the Government of Hungary is the highest institution in Turkey. The embassy, which is involved in diplomatic processes between the two countries, plays an active role in efforts to increase economic, cultural and social cooperation.

As well as to represent the Hungary Government in Turkey,  protect the rights of Hungary citizens and continues to support the activities of the consulate, connects the visa application evaluating to the decision.

Contact Information of the Embassy of Hungary in Ankara

  • Director: Kiss GÁBOR / Ambassador
  • Address: Sancak Neighborhood, Layos Kosut Street, Number: 2, Cankaya / Ankara
  • Phone: +90 312 405 80 60
  • Phone: +90 312 442 22 75 (Consulate)
  • Fax: +90 312 405 89 33
  • E-Mail: mission.ank@mfa.gov.hu
  • E-Mail: consulate.ank@mfa.gov.hu (Consulate)

Working Hours of Hungary Embassy in Ankara

The Hungary Embassy in Ankara is open from Monday to Thursday in 09.00 to 17.00 and  Friday in 09.00 to 15.00.

Visa Applications in the Embassy of Hungary in Ankara

The Embassy can accept and evaluate Hungary Visa Applications. It accepts on an appointment basis and gives its appointments electronically. You can make your application by making an appointment with your documents whic is support the information you provide about your trip (Hotel Reservation, Flight Ticket).

Visa Application Form of Hungary Embassy in Ankara

Many criteria are examined and evaluated during the evaluation process of visa applications. The most important document of your application is the Hungary Visa Application Form, which is the document that collects this information, details of the starting and ending time of your travel, the purpose of the visit, who will cover the expenses and your accommodation. If you wish, you can click here to view the application form.

Consulate Services of the Embassy of Hungary in Ankara

The Hungary government offers some consular services to their citizens who temporarily or permanently reside in Turkey. You can find the main services below.

  • Emergency Support (Accidents, Extortion, Disaster, etc.)
  • Translate, Doctor, Counseling Guidance for Law
  • Notary Services
  • Passport / Identity / Driving License Transactions
  • Birth, Death, Certificate of Life
  • Marriage and Divorce Procedures
  • Signature Statement
  • Citizenship Services (Voting etc.)
  • Provision of Criminal Records

Public Holidays of Hungary Embassy in Ankara

The Embassy of Hungary in Ankara won't serve on the following dates. We recommend that you review your dates and plan your travel or consular services.

  • January 1,  New Year
  • March 15,  National Day of Hungary
  • March 16, National Day of Hungary
  • March 30,   Holy Friday
  • April 2,  Easter
  • April 23, National Sovereignty and Children's Day
  • April 30, Rest Day
  • May 1, Labor and Solidarity Day
  • May 19, Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day
  • May 21, Penrecost
  • June 14, Ramadan Feast Eve
  • June 15, Feast of Ramadan
  • June 16, Feast of Ramadan
  • June 17, Feast of Ramadan
  • July 15,  Martyrs and Democracy Day
  • August 20, Feast of Saint Istvan
  • August 21,  Feast of Sacrifice
  • August 22, Feast of Sacrifice
  • August 23, Feast of Sacrifice
  • August 24, Feast of Sacrifice
  • August 30, Victory Day
  • October 22,  1956 Revolution / Rest Day
  • October 23,  1956 Revolution / Rest Day
  • October 29, Republic Day
  • November 1, Saints Day
  • November 2,  Rest Day
  • December 24, Christmas Holiday
  • December 25, Christmas Holiday
  • December 26, Christmas Holiday
  • December 31, New Year

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